Preobraženja [by] Sándor Weöres
Novi Sad, 1965. Forum. 158 [4] p. 5 t. [Janez Bernik’s pictures] First Edition.
Bilingual Hungarian-Serbian-language edition. The poems translated by Ivan V Lalic. Károlya Ácsa parts of the prose. The Serbian poet to write the afterword by Imre, Bori.
Publisher’s cloth binding.
Károly Kozma autographed book.
Sándor Weöres (1913-1989) was a Hungarian poet and author. Weöres’ translations into Hungarian were wide and varied, including the works of Ukrainian national poet Taras Shevchenko, the Georgian poet Rustaveli, the Slovenian poets Oton Župančič and Josip Murn Aleksandrov. He also translated Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis and Henry VIII, T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land, the nonsense poems by Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll, the complete poetry of Stéphane Mallarmé. His translation of the Tao Te Ching continues to be the most widely read in Hungary.
Many of Weöres’ poems have been set to music. In 1980 the Hungarian filmmaker Gábor Bódy adapted the poem Psyché to make the epic feature Nárcisz és Psyché.
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