Demokrata – Független folyóirat. 88′ III. évf. 3. szám.


Demokrata – Független folyóirat. 88′ III. évf. 3. szám.


  • Political and cultural magazine
  • Language: Hungarian
  • Release date: 1988
  • Publisher: ABC Független, Budapest
  • Pages: 47
  • Samizdat edition

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Demokrata – Független folyóirat. 88′ III. évf. 3. szám.
[Democratic – Independent magazine. 88′ III. Vol. No. 3 ]
Political and cultural magazine. (Samizdat)]
Edited by Nagy, Jenő. Published: every two months.
Budapest, 1988. ABC Független. 47 p.
Publishing paperback. In good condition, minor fault. Between 1986 and 1991, a total of 41 numbers appeared.

Samizdat editions, mostly political pamphlets, appeared in Hungary in the 1970s in the poor form of carbon copies of typescripts. Later in the 80s the so-called Democratic Opposition in Hungary established semi-underground publishings, like “AB Független” to publish not merely political literature but also literature that was banned by the Communist politics.

Additional information

Weight200 g
Dimensions15 × 21,5 cm


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